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Thursday, March 12, 2015


This is one of the first poems that I had written when I was a teen.  I had it in a book in which I had lots of other things in too.  I even had pressed flowers and lyrics to songs.    Back then you could not get them off the internet because there was no internet then.  I would sit most of the day just listening over and over again to get the words down on paper. I was what you consider as an introvert.  I had friends but mostly I stayed inside in my room. Mom used to throw us out of the house and tell us to blow some stink off of us.
It was a sad day when my father came into my room and threw the book out with some of my clothes and all my medals that I won in Majorettes.  Somehow this poem didn’t get thrown away and I found it in my high school yearbook.  So I typed it up.  There must have been a reason why this poem was saved from being thrown out.  I believe that there are reasons for everything and times that things are supposed to happen.  Maybe it was to share with all of you at this particular time.  So without further ado here it is for you to enjoy.


There will I be
In the delicate evening mist as it drapes over the glade
With nature as she lays her flora and fauna to rest
When the night creatures come out that she has made
Looks for me, it’s not a test

There Will I Be
To protect you through the cold, dark, night
In the shadows that creep over the countryside
And in the shimmering moonlight
Search for me far and wide

There Will I be
When the first light arises in the east
When the morning dew evaporates form the still vegetation
You will see me at nature’s breakfast feast
Watch me in all the action

There Will I Be
In the grassy meadows with the scurrying chipmunks and the frolicking Deer
With the great Eagles and on the wings of Doves
In the woodlands and on the sandy shores there will I appear
Like heavenly Angels sent from above

There Will I be
In the tranquil breeze of spring and in the pure winter snow
In the mirror of your soul what do you see?
Just close your eyes and then you will know
There Will I Be

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